Questions tagged [symptoms]

A physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient

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5 votes
2 answers

How common is tachycardia as a symptom of COVID-19?

How common is tachycardia as a symptom of current COVID-19 infection? I have found quite a bit of information about tachycardia after COVID, such as this paper and this Cleveland Clinic article, but ...
Someone's user avatar
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Acute symptoms from radon gas exposure

If people live in a high-radon environment (100 pCi/L in breathed air) for just one week, is it unlikely that they would notice it? What is the pCi/L threshold where acute symptoms are likely to ...
bobuhito's user avatar
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9 votes
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Why is the flu more deadly to children than COVID-19?

Or better framed: Why are children not developing as severe reactions from COVID when they tend to fare much worse from seasonal flu? Is the answer something along the lines of: Those that don't die ...
Andrew Micallef's user avatar
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Are there differences in symptoms with different viruses that cause the common cold?

A recent XKCD comic proposed a humorous future pastime in which virus connoisseurs review and contrast the symptoms of different common-cold cases caused by different viruses, with the implication ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Why does the Pfizer’s Covid vaccine cause more intense intense symptoms after second shot then after the first shot? (mirror) mentions: The FDA says Pfizer’s Covid vaccine is safe and effective. But trial participants warn of intense symptoms after second shot. Why does the Pfizer’s Covid vaccine cause ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Why is monocular diplopia a symptom of astigmatism in some cases?

I have read that patients suffering from astigmatism sometimes experience monocular diplopia but I don't understand why this is. Do we have an idea of why this occurs?
James's user avatar
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Symptoms in men and women

I was reading something about women’s heart attacks and how they are more likely to die from them as doctors are usually taught male symptoms in unis or something. I tried finding something about it ...
J.Wayne's user avatar
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How do you tell a brain-dead patient from a living one?

One theme that's been explored somewhat in popular culture is brain death, and the interesting dynamics of what separates dead from alive. In chemistry, death is defined as the loss of the ability to ...
Tal's user avatar
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Medical database with symptom frequencies

Is there a large medical database with symptom frequencies for diseases? I.e. the percentage of patients with a specific disease that have specific symptoms? For example (numbers and symptoms made up ...
lordy's user avatar
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Degree of correlation between viral load and symptom severity in Covid-19?

Someone asked here a general/related (qualitative) question Does viral load of the initial infection affect its severity? but I'm interstested a more focused question regarding Covid-19: How well ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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Does COVID-19 cause GI symptoms? [duplicate]

Some of the more common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and cough. There has been some evidence of SARS-Cov-2 in feces. Do we have any further knowledge of the prevalence of GI symptoms among those ...
Brian's user avatar
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If someone catches COVID-19 in a country where the number of deaths and new infections are slowing, would their symptoms be milder?

If someone happens to catch COVID-19 when we're on the other side of the curves -- when deaths and new infections are slowing -- would their symptoms somehow be less severe? A milder fever? A ...
user19164's user avatar
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What are the special medications to treat Covid-19?

We know there is no cure for Covid-19 (currently) and the treatment focuses on managing symptoms as the virus runs its course. The main symptoms of Covid-19 are -Fever -Cough -Shortness of breath ...
I likeThatMeow's user avatar
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Is it possible to get Covid-19 and have 0 symptoms along the complete journey and hence cure by yourself without knowing?

In this link, in the section How long is it between when a person is exposed to the virus and when they start showing symptoms? mentions Recently published research found that on average, the time ...
I likeThatMeow's user avatar
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Can bromhexine decrease severity of respiratory diseases and viral respiratory infections such as COVID-19?

According to this article one (less frequent) symptom of COVID-19 is thick mucus from coughs (sputum). Respiratory ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Looking for an ECG anomaly detection tool

In a few months I will be conducting a study where we take participents ECGs and try to measure stress levels from that using machine learning. I am also involved in pre-processing the data, meaning ...
jaaq's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the name for the symptom of mishearing words?

There’s a really interesting symptom I remember hearing about, wherein the patient will fail to understand certain sounds correctly, in a repeatable fashion. For example, the patient could be ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
5 votes
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How to note symptoms before visiting a doctor

Countless times I've been to the doctor and forgot mentioning specific details about my various health conditions. So, I decided to take detailed notes of symptoms (pain, dizziness, etc) long before ...
user's user avatar
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If pure caffeine is taken intravenously, will high dose cause nausea like it does when taken orally?

There are various symptoms of high caffeine intake. Among them, gastrointestinal symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hyperactive bowel sounds etc. My question is: do these ...
Javier Murphy's user avatar
4 votes
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Early signs of cocaine addiction

What are signs to look for to determine overuse or addiction to cocaine?
ben's user avatar
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What is the definition of Suicidal Ideation?

Many resources on depression and suicide use the term "suicidal ideation" as an important sign/symptom. Some sources (e.g. Krahn, Miller, and Bergstrom, Rapid Resolution of Intense Suicidal Ideation ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Is forgetting certain spellings a sign of Alzheimer's?

1) Is forgetting certain spellings in English (easy ones, and remembering the tougher ones) and other things like daily chores etc., a sign for Alzheimer's? 2) Does Alzheimer's affect people under ...
Shashaank's user avatar
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Hyper Magnetism?

Didn't know where to post this one but this forum seemed the most suitable. So about a year ago I've discovered that my mom can "glue" metalic spoons and forks to her hand and mechanic watches slow ...
Harry Zalessky's user avatar
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Do people from sunnier parts of the world show accelerated aging?

A lot of medical evidence seems to point to there being a link between sun exposure and skin aging. Would this mean that on average, a 30-year-old from Arizona would have more wrinkles and uneven skin ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Are most normal human beings capable of controlling laughter?

Say you were at a funeral, and a family member of the deceased said something unintentionally hilarious as part of a eulogy, but only funny to a very small number of people at the funeral. Obviously, ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How is myocarditis diagnosed?

How is inflammation of the hearth muscle (myocarditis) diagnosed? What are typical symptoms? What is it commonly mixed up with? How do you differentiate reliably?
vidstige's user avatar
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has your body killed a cold virus before you experience any symptoms?

A friend tells me that by the time you feel the first symptoms of a cold (runny nose, sore throat, whatever the first symptoms are), your immune system has actually already killed the virus, and the ...
M Katz's user avatar
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What are the symptoms of salt poisoning? [closed]

I used a large amount of salt yesterday. Now (after 19 hours) I'm feeling ill. Although I do not think it is my case, I am curious: What amount of salt is toxic? What are the symptoms of salt ...
Fredy's user avatar
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Allergic Reaction? Adderall + Welbutrin / Bupropion

Current Medications: Adderall 20mg IR, Welbutrin (Bupropion) 100mg IR twice /day. Symptoms: Over time I've developed an odd set of symptoms: --My face always tingles / i feel compelled to "pull" my ...
anonymouse2357's user avatar
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What are the differences between social anxiety and panic attacks in terms of symptoms?

What are the differences between social anxiety and panic attacks in terms of symptoms? Does social anxiety lead to panic attacks?
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Are elevated platelet levels (yet, still anemic) a symptom of endometriosis? Connection?

for about two years now, my platelet levels have been consistently elevated; not off the charts or anything to be overly alarming, but consistently coming in at about 500. And oddly enough, I'm ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Database with diseases and symptoms?

Is there a database with diseases and symptoms? I imagine something like being able input symptoms and getting a list of appropriate diseases?
Yaroslav's user avatar
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4 votes
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Top medications to treat symptoms of Lupus?

Being new to the Lupus world, I am hearing conflicting views from all sorts of physicians (living both in Canada and the USA). What are the top medications to treat the symptoms of Lupus? I heard ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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2 answers

Enlarged Spleen

Since I have been detected with an enlarged spleen I have wanted to know: What are the discomforts caused by an enlarged spleen? Are there any symptoms to identify such a case?
user333900's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What are the actual symptoms of the common cold? [duplicate]

Everyone knows (and passionately hates) the runny nose, coughing, sneezing, aching/sore joints, and the drowsiness associated with the cold. But these symptoms are just the body trying to get rid of ...
nelomad's user avatar
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Can unruptured brain aneurysm symptoms come and go?

Lets say a person has many symptoms of a unruptured brain aneurysm, but they're rather subtle, and seem to change from one symptom to another. They come and go. Is that possible? Or, if they were ...
Amma's user avatar
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Yearly flu and cold got worse after Mononucleosis

A few years ago I had Mononucleosis. Since I thought it was a bad case of flu, it went untreated. But for several months, I had flu-like symptoms (fever, very runny nose and lot of mucus) every 4 ...
valepu's user avatar
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What are the earliest symptoms that can tell you it's HPS (Hantavirus Pulmonary Disease) or Flu?

I am reading about Hantavirus and its symptoms (in general, i am reading about rat diseases), after watching several different sites i came up with a doubt i can't seem to solve. Some sites say that ...
valepu's user avatar
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What are the side effects of habitual cocaine usage, particularly the visually noticeable ones?

If I suspect someone of being a cocaine addict, what should I look for that signals potential cocaine usage?
Dave Liu's user avatar
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In a viral infection, which symptoms are caused by the virus itself, and which symptoms are caused by the body fighting the virus? [closed]

Most symptoms commonly associated with respiratory viral infections, like the common cold, are actually immune in nature. Fever is the body's attempt to overheat the virus, excess mucous is the body's ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Can one do anything to make a cold take a milder course after noticing first symptoms?

Usually, a person will start feeling the symptoms of a cold a day or so after having been exposed to cold weather wearing improper clothing. The question is this: what can I do to minimize the ...
jo99blackops's user avatar
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How long does it take for heroin withdrawal to begin?

If a heroin addict is unable to shoot up again, how soon after the most recent dose will serious withdrawal symptoms occur? Is it a matter of hours, or days?
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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Treatment for mild Tourette syndrome

I have a friend who has had Tourette syndrome since he was a child. He is 26 now, the Tourette is mild, involving shoulder twitching. Is there any treatment that bring the syndrome to a negligible/...
girl101's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is there a technical term for the phenomenon known as "brain zaps"?

Many people (especially those who take antidepressants), including myself, are familiar with the experience of what has been called "brain zaps". I was not aware that the sensation had a name or that ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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Are there high chances of long term complications from having TB?

Asking this question for somebody else here! Background: Some parents that I know are very concerned, as their 16 year old's friend, has extrapulmonary TB. They have been rather ill for several ...
George's user avatar
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Mitigating / Stopping hiccups

Hiccups can be annoying. I've heard about ways to stop them including breath holding, drinking warm water, and breathing really quickly, but these don’t seem to be consistently effective. What sorts ...
Unihedron's user avatar
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What are the symptoms of rabies?

What are the symptoms that show up in the person who is infected by rabies, and how much time will it take for these symptoms to show up?
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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How to detect colon cancer?

How can a person get to know that he/she is suffering from colon cancer? What are the symptoms, and how long does it take for them to appear?
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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